There will be an IDS conference call at 1:00 PM EDT (10:00 AM PDT) this
Note the NEW Teleconference number and access code.
Call-in toll-free number (US/Canada): 1-866-469-3239
Call-in toll number (US/Canada): 1-650-429-3300
Call-in toll number (US/Canada): 1-408-856-9570
Attendee access code: 21967831
1. Identify Minute Taker
2. Approval of minutes from 7/24 Telecon
3. Review Action Items (see below)
4. Review latest HCD Health Assessment Attributes Specification.
5. Review first issue of NAP Binding Specification.
6. Face to Face Meeting Agenda
7. New business
Action Items:
1. Jerry Thrasher will send a note to Cisco to find out if there is an
information path we can develop to learn about Cisco NAC attributes (e.g.
is there a better source of information).
2. Ron Nevo will contact the TNC Chair to try to get the TNC attributes
information and make it available to all PWG members.
3. Randy Turner will ask the IETF NEA Working Group (or other groups) for
their thoughts on attributes such as Time Source, Minimum Cipher Suite,
Bridging, Minimum Encryption Key Length, etc. Are any of these applicable
to the industry in general?