Definition Type: ComplexType
Name: SubunitDescription
Containing Schema: Subunits.xsd
Collapse XSD Schema Diagram:
Drilldown into PowerTimeout Drilldown into PowerEvent Drilldown into PowerCalendar Drilldown into DescriptionXSD Diagram of SubunitDescription
Collapse XSD Schema Code:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?>
<xs:complexType name="SubunitDescription">
        <!-- local unique integer key  REQUIRED - MUST be single-valued -->
        <!--Object state  REQUIRED - MUST be single-valued  see printer-state - section 4.4.11 [RFC2911] -->
        <!-- Object's  state messages  OPTIONAL - MAY be multi-valued  see printer-state-message - section 4.4.13 [RFC2911] -->
        <!-- vCard/3.0 (based on ITU-T X.520) for owner of this   OPTIONAL - MUST be single-valued   see vCard/3.0 - vCard MIME Directory Profile [RFC2426] -->
        <!-- object's  access permissions REQUIRED - MAY be multi-valued  see 'chmod' - POSIX System Interfaces [ISO9945]  see 'sys/stat.h' - POSIX System Interfaces [ISO9945]-->
        <!-- date and time when this object was created   REQUIRED - MUST be single-valued -->
        <!-- natural language for object's  text elements  OPTIONAL - MUST be single-valued  see IETF 'Tags for the Identification of Languages' [RFC3066] -->
        <xs:element ref="Description" minOccurs="0" />
        <xs:element ref="PowerCalendar" minOccurs="0" />
        <xs:element ref="PowerEvent" minOccurs="0" />
        <xs:element ref="PowerTimeout" minOccurs="0" />
    <xs:anyAttribute namespace="##other" processContents="lax" />
Collapse Child Elements:
Name Type Min Occurs Max Occurs
Description pwg:Description 0 (1)
PowerCalendar pwg:PowerCalendar 0 (1)
PowerEvent pwg:PowerEvent 0 (1)
PowerTimeout pwg:PowerTimeout 0 (1)
Collapse Child Attributes:
Name Type Default Value Use
<anyAttribute> Allowed namespace: '##other'
Collapse Derivation Tree:
Collapse References:
pwg:ConsoleDescriptionSetType, pwg:ConsoleDescriptionType, pwg:FaxModemDescriptionType, pwg:FinisherDescriptionType, pwg:InputTrayDescriptionType, pwg:InterfaceDescriptionType, pwg:MarkerDescriptionType, pwg:MediaPathDescriptionType, pwg:OutputTrayDescriptionType, pwg:ProcessorDescriptionType, pwg:ScanMediaPathDescriptionType, pwg:ScannerDescriptionType, pwg:StorageDescriptionType, pwg:VendorSubunitDescriptionType