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Sep 3, 2020 by Steven Young
Sep 4, 2020 by Michael Sweet
Internet Printing Protocol (IPP)
PWG 5100.7-2019: IPP Job Extensions v2.0 (JOBEXT)
"Close-Job" should be 0x003A from PWG 5100.7, not 0x003B from PWG 5100.11
Michael Sweet

Michael Sweet Sep 4, 2020

Further research shows that the original definition in JPS2 (5100.11-2011) listed the Close-Job and Resubmit-Job operations out-of-order. The correct value for Close-Job *is* 0x003B, and Resubmit-Job is 0x003A.

I have submitted corrections for the IANA IPP registry, we just need to update the registration to match in JOBEXT.

Steven Young Sep 3, 2020

The code for "Close-Job" operation in Table 5 "IPP Everywhere Required Operations" of PWG 5100.14: IPP Everywhere v1.1 on page 34, should be 0x003A from PWG 5100.7 instead of 0x003B from PWG 5100.11.
Also, the code for "Close-Job" and "Resubmit-Job" are defined as 0x003A and 0x003B in IANA Internet Printing Protocol (IPP) Registrations.