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Mar 7, 2018 by Smith Kennedy
Internet Printing Protocol (IPP)
PWG 5100.7-2003: IPP Job Extensions
Section 5.2 needs to clarify that attributes such as "compression-supplied" may not come from a Job Creation operation but rather from a Document Creation / Job operation

Smith Kennedy Mar 7, 2018

Sub-sections of section 5.2 each end with a statement similar to the last sentence of section 5.2.1:

"The Printer sets this Job Description attribute from the corresponding Operation attribute (see [rfc2911] § supplied by the client in the Job Creation operation."

However, some Job or Document attributes such as "compression" may not be specified by a Job Creation operation (Print-Job, Print-URI, or Create-Job, as per RFC 8011 section 4.1.9) but rather by a Send-Document operation, which is strictly speaking not a Job Creation operation, but rather a Job operation or Document Creation operation, depending on which spec you read (RFC 8011 or PWG 5100.5).

Clarify each sub-section of 5.2 to make it clear that the corresponding Job Template or Document Template attribute may not be specified in the Job Creation operation, but rather in a Document Creation operation / Job operation such as Send-Document or Send-URI.